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Survivor Speaks Out ⋆ Human Trafficking eLearning

Ruth continues to communicate with her audience to spread the awareness of human trafficking. She feels that blogging is a great way for survivors and non-survivors to learn from each other. She answers frequently asked questions about sex trafficking, offer tips to frontline employees who encounter victims and responds to recent news articles on human trafficking.

People often ask me why I tell my sex trafficking story. For one thing, secrets eat away at us. Telling our stories breaks the secrecy and breaks through the shame. I think I can speak for all survivors when I say that telling our stories is healing for us because for a long time we held onto an untold story inside of us that even we couldn’t make sense of or put into words. Our stories were screaming to get out for so long. Many survivors want the world to know what happened to them (survivors deserve to be heard) but some want to remain private (they have the right). So many non-survivors can learn from survivors who have reached advanced stages of recovery by hearing their stories. But getting the whole story out only happens in advanced stages of recovery. There’s a lot of inner work that victims need to do before they can reach the point of being able to articulate their stories. Some may only tell their stories privately and some may go public with it. It’s a life choice. I, myself will be in this work for life, or for as long as I can, in one way or another. It’s my passion. It’s why I started this blog. I want to educate others and answer the questions people have. This is very rewarding work for me. #WARonSlavery


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