Welcome to our Human Trafficking eLearning website!
We’re so excited that you are interested in our HT eLearning programs. We currently have two programs available: Human Trafficking Awareness for Healthcare: W.A.R. on Slavery and Human Trafficking Awareness for First Responders and Community Members. For more specific program details, go to the Training page.

There are many people who encounter victims of human trafficking in their jobs and they don’t know it. Our programs play a critical role in helping people on the frontlines understand how and why people become HT victims. The ability to recognize victims will come as a result of being educated on how to identify the red flags of an abused person so they can protect and help victims break out of this abuse cycle.
You will find several resources on our website

Learn about
Ruth Rondon
Co-Author and Human
Trafficking Survivor

Learn about
Patti Hathaway
Co-Author and Certified
Speaking Professional

Contact Us – How to contact us